Articles of Faith
We believe…
- In the one true and living God, revealed to man as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, infinite and eternal in His wisdom, power, holiness, justice, and truth.
- In the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible as the Word of God.
- That personal salvation, which is the result of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, can be obtained by all who accept Christ as Savior.
- That the believer should participate in water baptism and the Lord’s table.
- That the experience of sanctification (termed by some as a total commitment or dying to self) is for believers and should be earnestly sought after by all.
- That Christ baptizes believers with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4, and that, according to the command of Jesus Christ, this should be the normal experience of every believer.
- That divine healing for the physical body was provided in the atonement and any true child of God may claim the promise of such from the Scriptures.
- In the second coming of Jesus Christ as personal and imminent; He will descend from heaven to catch away His own, who, at the establishment of His earthly kingdom, with return with Him in glory to share His millennial reign.
29 Main Road | Charleston, Maine 04422 | (207) 285-3373
Formerly known as Faith School of Theology